Coming soon

Through our continued commitment on delivering timeless habitat and lifestyle designs our product categories will be expanded from current selection of BATHROOM and KITCHEN wares to also cover  FURNITURE, LIGHT and our premium HABITAT solutions The Birdhouse and The Glasshouse. Below outlines the concept design of products currently in design, development and manufacturing stages.


Our furniture collection will cover both indoor and outdoor furniture along with a selection of office furniture.


Our lighting products cover both indoor, outdoor as well as decorative light solutions.


The Birdhouse a minimalistic and elegant pre-fabricated eco-friendly housing solution that is ideal for personal lodging or as a villa/bungalow solution (with up to two rooms each) for hotels and resorts, that can be swiftly installed in almost any environment.

The Birdhouse comes fully furnished with SARVAN furniture, bathroom and light solutions and home appliances.


The Glasshouse is our premium light build pre-fabricated leisure house solution as private cottage or holiday house.

The Glasshouse interior is furbished with state of the art HVAC solutions, home appliances and SARVAN furniture, bathroom and light solutions.

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